Top Ten Tech Trends
Photo from VentureBeat
I just returned from participating on the Churchill Club's annual "Top Ten Tech Trends" panel. Quite an amazing event -- they pick five VC's for the panel and each gets to present (and defend) two trends for the coming year. With a panel consisting of Khosla, Jurvetson, Schoendorf, McNamee and Kopelman, I felt a little like I was part of a "Which One Of These Things is Not Like The Other" puzzle...but overall I think I did OK for a "rookie". (I discussed the Implicit Web and a pending shakeout in VC as my two top trends). A good summary of the event and all 10 trends can be found here, here and here.
Oh, and while I know I have no chance of becoming an "A List" blogger, it appears that I've made the B-Z List. (Or at least according to The Industry Standard).